Hand-pulled, limited-edition linocut. All subjects printed on paper measuring 13 x 20 inches (except where noted), signed, dated, titled, and numbered by Henry Evans.

  • California Poppies - 2018
  • poppies_317_lrg

    317 California Poppy

    Eschscholzia californica. The linocut was made from a drawing done at the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve on 20 April 1975.
    340 copies were printed on 10 x 13 inch Basingwerk paper and sell for $300.00 each.
  • poppies_318_lrg

    318 California Poppy

    Eschscholzia californica. The linocut was made from a drawing done at the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve on 20 April 1975. The two small poppy prints were conceived as a pair of prints but either one of them can be used alone.
    345 copies were printed on 10 x 13 inch Basingwerk paper and sell for $300.00 each.
  • poppies_446_lrg

    446 California Poppies

    Eschscholzia californica. Drawn at home in the Napa Valley on 5 May 1981.
    325 copies were printed on Basingwerk paper and sell for $400.00 each.
  • poppies_447_tlrg

    447 California Poppy

    Eschscholzia californica. Drawn in our own garden in the Napa Valley on 5 May 1981. A superb garden flower now grown around the world, this poppy ranges in color from pure white to brilliant scarlet, the yellows and oranges being most commonly seen. Because it closes its petals when the light fades, the Spaniards called it dormidera (one who sleeps). —Henry Evans
    320 copies were printed on Simpson paper and sell for $400.00 each.
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    485 California Poppies

    Eschscholzia californica. Drawn at home in the Napa Valley on 15 August 1982. The state flower of California, this poppy was first described in print in 1820 by Adelbert von Chamisso, who named it in honor of J. G. Eschscholtz, his companion botanist on the voyage of the Russian ship Rurik along the California coast in 1816. It is believed that they first saw the plant where the city of San Francisco now stands. —Henry Evans
    425 copies were printed and sell for $500.00 each.